Editing Service

I am also a freelance editor. Please send any inquires or requests for service, along with a brief summary and sample of your work, to tomdmock@gmail.com.

Free sample of services available on 500 words (roughly 2 pages) of your work, less for short works and poetry.

  • Content Editing - A thorough reading of your manuscript and assessment of the story as a whole (i.e. characters, motivation, plot, pacing, tone, etc). Not to include a substantial line edit. This is when you need someone to tell you what you've done: what works, what doesn't, and if there is anything missing. Elements of style will also be addressed as necessary.
    Content editing is available for all kinds of Fiction, but I have the most experience with Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery/Detective, and Literary Fiction.  Content editing is also available for poetry.

  • Copy Editing - This provides a more substantial line edit, to include grammar, mechanics, style, and fact checking. This service will not be concerned with content. It does not address story, merely style. What you have written is what I will address, with an emphasis on clarity and effect.
      Copy editing is available broadly.


Pricing is negotiable based on the level of work desired. (Amounts listed below are approximate).

Content Editing: $38/hr. ~ 6-10 pages an hour.

Full Content Edit:       300 pg. manuscript (75,000 words) = $1140
                                            15 pg. short story (3,750 words) = $95
                                            1 poem (app. 20 lines) = $38
  •  Commented manuscript (digital copy preferred).
  • Typed notes addressing the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript.

Quick Look:                     300 pg. manuscript (75,000 words) = $420
                                             15 pg. short story (3,750 words) = $38
                                             1 poem (app. 20 lines) = $15
  • Briefly commented manuscript (digital copy preferred).
  • Typed notes addressing strengths and major concerns with the manuscript (no less than one full page, single spaced, app. 500 words, half for short stories and poetry).

Copy Editing: $30/hr. ~ 2-10 pages an hour.

* 250 words is the industry standard for a manuscript page.